Multiple sclerosis – MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) or encephalomyelitis disseminata mainly affects young adults – it is one of the most common neurological diseases.
The nerve disease multiple sclerosis is also called “disease with a thousand faces” due to its unpredictable course. Around 120,000 people in Germany are affected by MS.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the nervous systemthat occurs scattered throughout the brain and spinal cord, the symptoms of which appear only relapsing at the beginning. It is considered incurableaccording to the current state of research. The white substance of the brain and spinal cord is particularly affected. In this case, the body’s own cells damage the protective shell (myelin sheath) of the nerve fibers or the nerve cells themselves. A fast and correct transmission of electrical stimuli is no longer possible due to the resulting line barriers. As a result, concrete commands (such as changing the direction of view) can only be delayed, conditionally or no longer executed at all.
Spirovital therapy also offers no cure. However, regular breathing of energized air often relieved symptoms (e.g. tingling, numbness, muscle wasting, muscle inflammation, trembling hands, incontinence, fatigue, dizziness, visual disturbances and emotional lability, etc.). Affected persons reported a completely new life force,weaker bursts and an overall improved quality of life with daily use. Not least because spirovital therapy, unlike chemical agents such as the Avonex syringe, is not only side-effect-free but also painless.
Dr. Klaus Jung / Dr. phil. Dinah Jung (2014) Handbook on Somatovital Therapy Part II: Studies and Practical Experiences – Monsenstein and Vannerdat
44 a, female: “… my illness began nine years ago. In my left leg, I noticed a numbness from the back down with incipiating paralysis. After 2 weeks I went to see my doctor, who immediately referred me to the university clinic, where inflammation of the central nervous system was detected.
I got cortisone in a pretty high dosage, 6 weeks later I was able to run again and the thing was done for me.
Less than a year later, my right half of my face became numb. I suspected bad things and was very scared. Diagnosis: Multiple sclerosis, an incurable disease of the central nervous system … Consequences: Abandonment of my beloved profession (cosmetician, med. foot nurse), strong medications (injections that I had to administer to myself). I thought I could do it, but I wasn’t aware of the enormous side effects of this
medications consciously.
For my family and me followed a cruel time: 3 months almost no longer slept, chills, flu-like symptoms, depression. I just wasn’t myself anymore and i didn’t have any strength anymore … Absolutely nothing was going on!
Totally desperate, just before my self-sacrifice, I came into contact with the spirovital therapy through my husband’s business contacts. It was like a ‘miracle’: after three agonizing months, the first time i slept all night, I couldn’t believe it …
From then on I used the device every day … and it went uphill, I felt better from day to day! After 2-3 weeks of regular use I became a ‘new’ person, after 3 months I didn’t know where to go with my energy …
The vision of reopening your own studio became a reality … and I made it! ‘Only’ 8 months after my bad illness was diagnosed, I was back where I could never come back …
In order to pass on my positive experiences with spirovital therapy and also to help other people, I offer the ‘breathing air therapy’ for a wide variety of disorders and diseases with good success in my new studio”. In principle, multiple sclerosis is not curable, there is currently no effective or causal therapy. In most cases, the course is uneven, unpredictable, but in most cases remittifying. Life expectancy is not usually shortened.
Initially, months can be up to 10 years between the individual strokes, but over time the free intervals become shorter until there is progressive and permanent disability.
Therapeutic successes or failures are difficult to assess because of the possibility of spontaneous remissions and fluctuating symptoms.
Glucocorticoids are often used to shorten an acute thrust, which reduces inflammation, swelling and possible pain of the acute thrust, but it is difficult to prevent future relapses and demarcation.
The administration of immunomodulating beta interferon as well as azathiopinine, an immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory drug, is intended to influence the number and severity of the relapses, they are used as long-term therapeutics and in relapsing course in the hope of delaying disability with it. Cyclophosphamide, a cytostatic agent, has been more successful in chronic progressive progression with rapid deterioration.
Some more common traits can be symptomatically influenced, such as muscle spasms (relaxants), incontinence (bubble agent), mobility (physiotherapy, possibly occupational therapy).
As self-help measures are recommended avoidance of physical and psychological stress as well as high temperatures with known heat sensitivity. On the other hand, the carrying out of regular physical training in an individually dosed frame without overloading is indicated.
Cold therapy sometimes brings relief. From a naturopathic point of view, dietary recommendations include fresh and natural foods with a ovolactovegetabilem focus, avoidance of coffee, tea and nicotine, as well as sugar, salt, alcoholic beverages and white flour, except for small amounts.
Good experiences have been made with the use of hippotherapy.
Naturopathic procedures are used by many therapists to treat many M.S. symptoms with often astonishing success, such as acupuncture (facilitation of symptoms, slowing down of the course of the disease), homeopathy (Agarius muscarius, alumna, conium, manganum aceticum, secale cornutum), manual medicine (elimination of muscular and vertebral dysfunction, improvement of microcirculation), occupational therapy (elimination of the problem “autoaggression”), orthomolecular medicine (omega-3-FS, Antioxidants, B vitamins, Mg), neural therapy (disturbing field clarification), physical therapy (restoration of the best possible function, activation, gait training, learning of an independent lifestyle), electrotherapy and massages (detonization, relaxation, analgesia), balneo and air conditioning medicine (outdoor seamation in the avoidance of direct sunlight) as well as certain environmental medical measures (renovation and/or discharge of amalgam). In the initial case study, the patient concerned makes it clear that a cure did not occur due to the administration of energized breathing air, similar to the various previous therapies), but subjectively there was a clear reduction in the symptoms (as opposed to all previous therapies), so that she could pursue her profession fully again.
What has caused this subjective improvement?
For this purpose, on the one hand, the development of the objective clinical picture of multiple sclerosis and accompanying subjective disorders of well-being must be clarified, on the other hand, the mode of action of somatovital therapy, in particular its application via the lungs – spirovitalization SVT – to be analysed, as far as this is possible in the current state of knowledge.
- S. and accompanying subjective disorders: Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system. The white substance of the brain and spinal cord (pyramid pathway, posterior, cranial nerves, brain stem, cerebellum) is particularly affected, whereby histologically primarily an inflammation and secondary demarcation impress. Damage to the spinal cord causes tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, spasticity, paralysis and incontinence.
Damage to the white brain substance can cause fatigue, dizziness, awkward movements, muscle weakness, blurred speech, blurred vision, numbness, general weakness and facial pain.
Possible theories on the origin of M.S. relate to genetic aspects, viral infections and autoimmunological processes.
The extent to which inactive molecular oxygen itself or its activated non-radical form (singlet oxygen) and its toxic forms (radicals) influence it is not clear from the current literature, so can only be hypothetically assumed to be significant. In any case, it is clearly understandable that the blood circulation of the entire brain is about 50 ml / 100 g brain tissue and minute or the O2 requirement is 3 ml / 100 g/ min. The substrate of brain metabolism is almost exclusively glucose, although the cells and their extensions consist mainly of lipoproteins.
Metabolic and blood flow variables of the individual brain structures are very different, depending on the respective functional tasks and the state of activity. As part of a functioning regulation, blood circulation must be adapted to a changing need.
Switchpoints and collection points for the different incoming and efficient webs have a higher metabolism and are more sensitive to damage. This includes above all the areas of the middle, small and stem brain with large metabolically active cells.
Action of somatovital therapy: All body cells are dependent on the constant supply of oxygen. In particular, this also applies to the brain cells, which need it for the maintenance and control of all life processes, which are controlled without exception by the central nervous system.
It depends on the right amount of oxygen at the right time in the right place. Not only the absolutely supplied amount of oxygen is important, but also its distribution and utilization.
The stem brain plays a special role in this context, in that the centers for the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory regulation, but also for well-being, the sleep-wake rhythm and many other vegetative functions are located here, which are also interconnected with each other and therefore influence each other.
Of the many system-supporting influences on the inhalation of energized breathing air, four are considered important for use in M.S.:
- Activation of the immune system
- Improving blood circulation
- Influence of protein synthesis
- Stabilization of the oxidative balance.
They could all influence the disease if it affects the disease in different ways, stressing that other conventional methods are not unimportant or even unnecessary.
It is only through the interplay of recognised traditional and new, not yet evidence-based therapy methods that complex disease patterns can be influenced – if at all – especially if their exact causes of origin have not yet been clearly clarified.
For example, a survey of SVT end users showed an increase in general life quality in all cases, with particular emphasis on energy status (performance, activity, resilience, motivation), well-being (sleep quality, mood, breathing, digestion, pain, immune position), regeneration (deepening, acceleration, relaxation, pulse calming) and the sensory system (smell, vision, skin, dizziness).
SVT therapists report improvements in functional disorders (poor performance, sleep disturbances, weakening of the immune system, visual impairment) as well as improvement of organic diseases (inflammation, immune system disorders with a focus on autoimmune diseases and allergies as well as pain).1 Even if the relevant links between the use of somatovital therapy and the clinical picture of multiple sclerosis could not yet be accurately proven, the positive individual descriptions by therapists as well as end users make it likely to very likely that these relationships exist and therefore at least one experiment with the use of energized breathing air should be started.
(p. 223-233)